Grimshaw was the home of John Barton and a number of his children and grandchildren at the times of the 1841 and 1851 censi. Ellen Barton was enumerated here in 1841 as was her daughter Ann Barton, age 1 and son Thomas Barton age 5. In both 1841 and 1851 John Barton (b. 1815) and Edward Barton (b. 1823), grandsons of John Sr. were enumerated at this address. We have not yet traced either of these men, who were presumably Ellen’s nephews. Thomas and Ann Aspinwall, also John Sr.’s grandchildren, were also enumerated at Grimshaw in 1851 (also not yet traced).
Grimshaw was the name of a brook flowing due west through Skelmersdale into the River Tawd. Traces of the brook still appear on modern maps although the area has been considerably developed. Grimshaw was also the name of a sandstone quarry (delf) located on the north bank of Grimshaw Brook. Based on a comparison of the 1841 census taker’s route and the circa 1850 ordinance survey map of Skelmersdale it is almost certain that Grimshaw House was located at Grimshaw Delf. This conclusion is further substantiated by John Barton’s occupation of delfmaster or quarry master. Sephton’s Hall, where Ellen’s future husband Henry Mawdsley was enumerated in 1841, was located perhaps 100m north of Grimshaw Delf.
The modern location of Grimshaw Delf is on the north side of Grimshaw Road, a modern motorway running through Skelmersdale about 100m east of the junction with Tanhouse Road.