Marriage Certificate – Partial Transcript

Certificate of Marriage
I hereby Certify that I somenized the Marriage of,
Bridegroom John Durie Harrison
Bride Norma Catharine (sic) Pearce
In the Presence of
Witness David E. McKay
Address 152 Lumsden Avenue, York Co.
Witness Viola Bustin
Address 264 Ontario Street, Toronto
in the City of Toronto in the
on the 4th day of Aug 1934
Name of Bridegroom’s Father Henry Harrison
Maiden Name of Bridegroom’s Mother Agnes Durie
Name of Bride’s Father George F. Pearce
Maiden Name of Bride’s Mother Elizabeth Murphy
Signature of Person Solemnizing Marriage J. Hayes
Address 300 Wolverleigh Bld, Toronto
Denomination Catholic

Marriage Affidavit – Partial Transcript

Affidavit required by Section 22 of the Marriage Act before Licence is Granted
Norma Kathleen Pearce (Saleslady)
I, John Durie Harrison of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario,
salesman, make oath and say as follows:
That for the space of fifteen days immediately preceeding the issuance of this licence Norma Kathleen Pearce
has had her usual place of abode in the PROVINCE OF ONTARIO
That I believe there has been no affinity, consanguinuity, prior marriage or other lawful cause or legal impediment to bar or hinder
That the contents set forth herein are to the best of our knowledge, information and belief true in every particular
Names in Full John Durie Harrison Norma Kathleen Pearce
Occupation Salesman Saleslady
Condition in Life Bachelor Spinster
Religious Denomination Roman Catholic Roman Catholic
Residence when Married 113 Gledhill Avenue 1051 Woodbine Avenue
Place of Birth Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario
Intended Place of Marriage        City of Toronto in the County of York
Sworn before me at the City of Toronto in the County of York this Thirteenth day of July 1934, W.E. Dunlop, Deputy Issuer of Marriage Licences at Toronto John D. Harrison
Norma Kathleen Pearce

Research Notes

300 Wolverleigh Blvd was and is the address of St. Bridgid’s Catholic Church. The church is located near Norma’s family home on Woodbine Avenue.