Partial Transcript

Registration District: Wigan
1908. Death in the Sub-district of Wigan in the Counties of Lancaster & Wigan C.B.

When and where died Twenty eighth February 1908
130 Barnsley Street
Name and surname Joseph Harrison
Sex Male
Age 70 years
Occupation Waterworks Engine Tenter
Cause of death Bronchitis
Certified by R. P. N. Rite, M.D.
Signature, description and residence of informant Ellen Harrison
present at the death
130 Barnsley Street, Wigan
When registered Second March 1908
Signature of registrar Thomas Southworth
Deputy Registrar

[Certified copy obtained online from the GRO, 12 January 2007]

Research Notes

Joseph would actually have been about 73 when he died. His daughter, Ellen, apparently didn’t know her father’s age.