Partial Transcript
Township of Adlington
PLACE | NAMES of each Person who abode therein the preceding Night. | AGE and SEX | PROFESSION, TRADE, EMPLOYMENT, or of INDEPENDENT MEANS. | Where Born | ||
Males | Females | Whether Born in same County | Whether Born in Scotland, Ireland, or Foreign Parts. | |||
Adlington | John Harrison | 50 | Farmer | y. | ||
Jemima Harrison | 50 | y. | ||||
William Harrison | 20 | Agricultural Labourer | y. | |||
Henry Harrison | 8 | y. | ||||
John Harrison | 4 | y. | ||||
John Butterworth | 20 | Labourer | y. | |||
John Smith | 25 | Labourer | n. | |||
Emma Smith | 25 | n. | ||||
Thos. Smith | 8 months | y. |
[Microfilm reference number HO107/527/7. The 1841 census was taken on the night of 6 June.]
Research Notes
Elizabeth Ingold Ormandy and her family were enumerated on the same Adlington census page as John Harrison (b. 1776) and his family. This suggests that their children, John Harrison (b. 1813) and Elizabeth Ormandy (b. 1813) were neighbours before they married, perhaps even childhood sweethearts!