Partial Transcript
Statement of Death
- Place of death
- Borough of: Scarborough
- Street address: Providence Villa
- County or territorial district of: Metro Toronto
- Date of death: November 12 1973
- Length deceased resided:
- In municipality or place where death ocurred: 62 Yrs
- In Ontario: 66 Yrs
- in Canada, if immigrant: 66 Yrs
- Print name of deceased in full: Harrison, Henry Harold
- Permanent residence of deceased:
- City, town, village or township of: Toronto
- Street address: 40 Scarborough Beach Blvd.
- Province or state: Ontario
- Country: Canada
- Sex: Male
- Citizenship: Canadian
- Province, state, or country of birth: England
- Date of birth: May 18, 1886
- Age: 87 Years
- Trade, profession, or kind of work: Carpenter
- Date deceased last worked at this occupation: 1956
- Total number of years deceased was engaged in this occupation: 55
- State whether deceased was single, married, widowed or divorced: Widower
- If deceased was married, widowed or divorced state name of husband or maiden name of wife: Durie, Agnes
- Print name of father: Harrison, Henry Harold
- Print maiden name of mother: Unknown
- Birthplace of father: England
- Birthplace of mother: England
- The proposed date of burial, cremation or other disposition or removal of the body is Nov 14 1973
- The proposed place of Cremation is Toronto
Research Notes
This document confirms that Henry Harold (Hank) Harrison Jr. believed the family myth that his father was named after his grandfather. Interestingly he did not know the surname or given name of his grandmother.