Partial Transcript

Registration District: Ince
1937. Death in the Sub-district of Orrell in the County of Lancaster

When and where diedThirtieth October 1937
154 Upholland Road
Billinge and Winsterley UD
Name and surnameHenry Harrison
Age76 years
Occupationof 88 Poolstock Wigan U.D.
formerly a stoker (cotton mill)
Cause of death1a) Senile Decay
Certified by NU Mather M.D.
Signature, description and residence of informantMargaret Wright
in attendance
30 Coppull Moor Lane, Coppull
When registeredFirst November 1937
Signature of registrarJoseph Bootle

[Certified copy obtained at the Family Records Centre in London on 7 June 2005]