Partial Transcript

Registration District: Wigan
1937. Death in the Sub-district of Wigan East in the County Borough of Wigan

When and where diedTwenty Fifth June 1937
42 Kenyon Road
Name and surnameElizabeth Harrison
Age52 years
OccupationSpinster, Hosier Worker
Daughter of Edward Harrison, a Colliery Engine Winder (deceased)
Cause of death1a. Carcinoma of Liver and Peritoneum
1b. Carcinoma Mammae
Certified by Robert Buchanan MB
Signature, description and residence of informantJoseph Harrison, brother
Present at the death
204 Thicknesse Avenue, Beech Hill, Wigan
When registeredTwenty Eight June 1937
Signature of registrarC. Latchford
Interim Registrar

[Certified copy obtained from the General Register Office, 13 June 2005]