Partial Transcript
Registration District: Wigan
1844 BIRTH in the Sub-district of Aspull in the County of Lancaster
When and where born | Nineteenth of January 1844 Haigh |
Name, if any | Henry |
Sex | Boy |
Name and suraname of father | |
Name, surname and maiden name of mother | Elizabeth Ball |
Occupation of father | |
Signature, description and residence of informant | The mark of X Elizabeth Ball Mother Haigh |
When registered | Twenty seventh of February 1844 |
Signature of registrar | Jos. Bailey Registrar |
Name entered after registration | [none] |
[Certified copy obtained at the General Regstrar Office on 15 February 2007]
Research Notes
The birth certificate does not identify Henry’s father, indicating that he was born out of wedlock. It was customary in these circumstances for the child to take the surname of the mother.