Partial Transcript


Province Ontario     District No. 131     Enumeration District No. 33 in Toronto East

Dwelling house Family, household or institution Name of each person in the family, household or institution Place of Abode Tenure and Class of Home Personal Description Nativity Citizenship Race, Language and Religion Education Profession, Occupation and Employment
Section or Township Municipality Home owned or rented If rented give rent paid per month Class of Houses Materials of Construction Rooms occupied by this family Relationship to head of family or household Sex [Marital Status] Age at last Birthday Person Father Mother Year of immigration to Canada Year of Naturalization Nationality Racial or tribal origin Can speak English (Y/N) Can speak French (Y/N) Religious body, Denomination, or Community… Can read Can write Months at school since Sept 1, 1920 Chief occupation or trade Employee, Worker, or Worker…on own account If Employer, state principal product; If Employee, state where employed Total earnings, past twelve months If employee, were you out of work June 1st, 1921 Number of weeks unemployed in the past twelve months Number of weeks unemployed in the past 12 months due to illness
64 64 Murphy Francis 264 Ontario St Ward 2 O BB S1 PL2 6 Head M 64 Ontario Ireland Ireland Canada Irish Y N Roman Cathollic Y Y Carpenter W 1,014 Yes 26
Murphy Elizabeth Wife F 56 Ontario England England Canada English Y N Roman Cathollic Y Y
Murphy Joseph Son M W 38 Ontario Ontario Ontario Canada Irish Y N Roman Cathollic Y Y Carpenter W 1,400 17
Murphy William Son M M 32 Ontario Ontario Ontario Canada Irish Y N Roman Cathollic Y Y Carpenter 1,400 17
Bustin Viola Granddaughter F S 13 Ontario Ontario Ontario Canada Irish Y N Roman Cathollic Y Y 9 Student School
  1. S indicates a semi-detached house
  2. PL indicates the house was plastered with lime mortar