Partial Transcript


Province of Ontario     District No. 119 East Toronto     S.District 21 St. David’s Ward     James Thomas, Enumerator     p. 54

Names Sex Age Married or Widowed Relation to Head of Family Country or Province of Birth Place of Birth of Father Place of Birth of Mother Religion Profession, Occupation or Trade Wage Earner Can Read Can Write
Gilbert, John M 26 M US England England Meth House Carpenter Y Y Y
Gilbert, Agnes F 24 M W Ireland Ireland Ireland Presb Y Y
Gilbert, Lillian A F 5/12 D Ontario US Ireland Presb

Research Notes

Lillian Hannah Gilbert is identified in the census as Lillian A rather than Lillian H. It is possible that the census taker mistook her name for Lillian Anna.

The census did not record the street address of the Gilbert family. However according to Might’s Toronto Directory for 1991 they were living at 14 Briggs Avenue, a street that no longer exists by that name.