Partial Transcript


Province of Ontario     District No. 47 Toronto E.     Sub-district St. James Ward     Page 80

NAMES. SEX. AGE. Born within last twelve months Country or province of birth RELIGION. ORIGIN. Profession,  Occupation or Trade Married within last twelve months Going to school. Over 20 unable to read Over 20 unable to write Infirmities
Murphy John M 45 Ireland Catholic Irish Janitory M
Murphy Elizabeth F 46 Ireland Catholic Irish M
Murphy John James M 21 Ontario Catholic Irish
Murphy Johanna F 18 Ontario Catholic Irish
Murphy Patrick M 14 Ontario Catholic Irish
Murphy Thomas M 13 Ontario Catholic Irish
Murphy Francis J. M 11 Ontario Catholic Irish
Murphy Kate F 9 Ontario Catholic Irish
Murphy Mary F 7 Ontario Catholic Irish 1
Murphy Arthur M 5 Ontario Catholic Irish
Murphy Elizabeth F 1 Ontario Catholic Irish

Research Notes

The ages of many members of the Murphy family are inconsistently reported in the 1871 and 1881 censi. This was not unusual in the 19th century when people were rarely asked their age.