The Henry Harold Harrison Family
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Death Certificate of Nora Harrison (1913–1986)
Partial Transcript
Entry No. 257 |
Registration District Wigan |
Borough of Wigan |
Sub-district Wigan |
When and where died |
Christopher Home, Wigan |
Seventeenth April 1986 |
Name and surname |
Nora Harrison |
Sex |
Female |
Maiden Surname |
Date and Place of Birth |
14th February 1913 |
Wigan |
Occupation and usual address |
Midwife (retired) |
14 Sheldon Avenue, Standish, Wigan |
Name and surname of informant |
Joseph Edward Harrison, Brother |
Usual Address |
3 Kingsmede, Wigan |
Cause of Death |
Bronchopneumonia |
Carcinomatosis |
Carcinoma Large Bowel |
[Certification of informant] |
Date of registration |
Seventeent April 1986 |
Signature of registrar |
M. Sharrington |
Registrar |
The Henry Harold Harrison Family