Partial Transcript
County of York, Division of Toronto, Number 4348
What is the full name of child? Harrison, John (Quin) Durie
When was the child born? April 8 1913
Where was the child born? 210 Hamilton
Male or Female? M
Are the Parents married? yes
Full name of Father: Henry Harold Harrison
Occupation of Father: Carpenter
Full name of Mother: Agnes (Quin) Durie
Where were the parents married? Montreal
When were they married? July 28 1910
Name of Physician attending. Dr. O. A. McKitchal
Your relation to child? Parent
Were you in house at time of birth? yes
Certified by H. H. Harrison
Address 210 Hamilton
Date April 29 1913
Research Notes
The birth entry contains a correctional stamp indicating that John’s mother Agnes might have corrected the original entry, perhaps something to do with the name “Quin” appearing in the record.